A not-so-great update
meaning that this update is unexciting. still in phnom penh. HAVE to get to Siem Reap during the next week. I am just waiting to make sure that no one wants to come with me. because i have had many an offer.
i don't like siem reap. i think this is why i am putting off the trip. not to mention that its going to be an expensive trip! and i won't get paid until after my articles are finished. and its a work trip. so i won't be there to hang out and meet people. i will be there to get 'er done. I have five articles now that they want written about Siem Reap. Oi.
i am starting to miss school. how ridiculous! missing school.
never settled in one place. never.
go figure.
i have spent a lot of time thinking about graduate school. with only a sememester of school left this is something i actually have to ponder. its something i actually have to buckle down and think about. its hard to think about something that you aren't sure you want to do yet! well i know i want to go to graduate school. but where? studying what? not to mention that my grades aren't exactly what they need to be in order to be a candidate for the big ones.
i really don't like reality.
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