By popular demand....
The following things are awesome about Cambodia.
1. Its sunny all the freaking time. Hot yes. But sunny is amazing. Vitamin D is good for me.
2. Cheap beer.
3. Cheap Paté
4. Bar jobs. I am working at a backpacker bar called Talkin' to A Stranger.
5. Being the "new girl on the block". I am meeting a ton of people, all of whom are willing to throw me a bone and help me out.
6. Cheap food. Good food. So many choices
7. Handmade shoes. I just had a pair of sandals made, they are beautiful, and suede and I am in love.
8. Transportation. Its awesome. Choices include; walking, cycling, or paying a smartass driver to take you on a Tuk Tuk (carriage with motobike on the front)
9. THE CHILDREN!!!!! They are freaking everywhere. EVERYWHERE!!!! And they are all sweet and climb all over you and give you lice.
10. Clothing. Oh clothing. Cheap, plentiful, colorful, flowy, and practical.
Cambodia is treating me well. Its gotten under my skin a bit but in general, I love it here. I remain a bit disoriented, but not was really bad for a few days. I have had lice, been sick, and gotten lost. I think the worst is out of the way.
So outside of my hotel there is this taxi driver, he's about 19 or so (maybe younger?), who everyday he sees me says "you look so pretty today". And then at night, he will see me again, and he says "When you go to sleep at night. Remember where the sky is, and if you look, you will see me smiling at you saying GOODNIGHT!!!!" Cheesy kid. He just wants to be my taxi driver because I look like the wealthy, western girl to him. To that I say "no way".
I also found a yoga studio which offers cheap rates to Volunteers. This my friends, is a quality thing. Bring on the yoga.
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